Do you ever consider the nutrients in your food versus the calories in your food? Take for example a handful of blueberries versus a handful of M&Ms. The calories in the blueberries will be around 80. Compare that to the handful of M&Ms which has around 250 calories with no added benefits to our health. The blueberries are high in antioxidants and fiber and have been shown to help us feel full due to the fiber content and are loaded with vitamins B6, C, and E. Which do you think would be the better choice? The blueberries, right?
In all our food choices, we should choose foods that are high in nutrients as opposed to foods loaded with empty calories. I often explain to patients that if the food has no benefit to the wellness of your body then slowly step away from it. The goal is to load ourselves up with healthy and nutritious foods that will have a long-lasting impact on our systems. Consider what you ate for lunch today. Did it have a healthy purpose for your body or was it just empty calories?
Studies have shown that those who follow a nutrient rich diet have better weight control, hunger satiety, and overall health. Make sure that before you put it in your mouth to eat that you ask yourself what benefit it will bring you.