What do we all want especially around this time of year with all this weather fluctuation? Could it be super immunity? One way to help your body help itself out is to nourish it with vitamins and minerals. The G-BOMBS model does just that. This week we are on (O) which is for: Onions, along with leeks, garlic, shallots, and scallions, make up the Allium family of vegetables.
- Onions are a very good source of vitamin C, B6, biotin, chromium, calcium and dietary fiber. In addition, they contain good amounts of folic acid and vitamin B1 and K.
- They also contain flavonoids, which are pigments that give vegetables their color. These compounds act as antioxidants, have a direct antitumor effect and have immune-enhancing properties.
- The onion is the richest dietary source of quercetin, a potent antioxidant flavonoid (also in shallots, yellow and red onions only but not in white onions), which is found on and near the skin.
- Quercetin has been shown to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, raise good-type HDL cholesterol, ward off blood clots, fight asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections and is specifically linked to inhibiting human stomach cancer.
- It’s also an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, thought to have diverse anti-cancer powers.
- Onions contain a large amount of sulfur and are especially good for the liver. As a sulfur food, they mix best with proteins, as they stimulate the action of the amino acids to the brain and nervous system.
- And so much more! Check it out at the following website:

- Dice a red onion finely and keep in a bowl in the fridge. You’re more likely to use if it is already cut up and ready. Sprinkle on/in salads, soups, omelet, pizza, etc..
- Chop 1-2 onions and sauté until golden. Keep in refrigerator until you need to add it to a dish.
- if you don’t have any meat bones you can do a simple vegetarian broth.
- Soak bones in 8-10 cups of water with a tbs of apple cider vinegar for an hour
- Add a carrot, celery, parsley, (O) onion, (O) garlic, (M) mushrooms, (G) kale or collards, throw in a handful of (B)beans, and peppercorns.
- The pressure cooker comes in handy for this. Put contents in and put on high for 45 minutes. But after 45 minutes let it sit for an hour to several hours to continue to steep. This would be something to do in the morning so that it is “working” while you are working. And when you get home, you’ll have a broth to add to anything.
French onion soup:
- 3-5 lbs. of chopped yellow onion(O)
- Sauté onion(O) in some butter or olive oil until golden
- Splash in some sherry wine or regular white wine
- Add broth: Beef broth is the best for this soup
- Add salt and pepper and simmer for about 10 minutes
- Swiss cheese or gruyere pairs nicely with this soup
Sautéed kale and onions:
- Sauté chopped onion(O) in olive oil or coconut oil until golden
- Add thinly chopped kale(G) and sauté for about 5 minutes then add lid and remove from heat. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
Split lentils:
- 1-2 cups red split lentils (B)
- Enough water or broth to cover, you may need to add more later.
- Add spices: garlic powder(O) (optional: turmeric, paprika, cumin), sea salt.
- It cooks in 10-15 minutes
- Plate it with the sautéed kale(G) on top of lentils (B). And then with sprinkled goat cheese.
Lemon garlic parsley chicken:
- Make marinade: juice of 1/2 lemon, some olive oil, sea salt, handful of fresh parsley, diced garlic cloves (O). This marinade will smell like the Mediterranean coast;)
- Toss chicken breast strips in marinade. Let it sit 1-3 hours or longer. The lemon will “cook” it slightly and infuse the chicken.
- Then simply sauté chicken with its marinade.
- This would pair well with the lentils(B) and kale(G) and a tomato and red onion(O) salad–>and makes for a colorful, healthy, simple, quick, and affordable meal.